拟: draw up; draft建: build; construct; erect的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...新: new; fresh; novel; up-to-dat ...机场: airdrome; airfield; airport; ...模型: model; pattern新机场: suvarnabhumi international airport蜂窝场模型: cell field model共线场模型: in-line model化石场模型: fossil field model交叉场模型: crossed-field model晶体场模型: crystal field model市场模型: market model种子场模型: seed field model曼谷新机场: bangkok suvarnabhumi airport; suvarnabhumi airport新机场部: new airport division新机场组: new airport section放大的新机制: making more of genes重大的新机遇: p.significant new opportunity新机场部〔经济局: new airport division地球重力场模型: earth gravity model拟建的自印度至中国的输油管: big calcutta新机场调查委员: commission of inquiry on the new airport新机场工程统筹处: new airport project co ordination office新机场索旺那普: suvarnabhumi airport