拖欠: be behind in payment; be in ...债务: debt; liabilities; amount du ...拖欠债务率: default rate; defaultrate欠债,债务: debt拖欠债款: default; deliquency拖欠债券: defaulted bonds传呼不出庭者传票, 收回拖欠债务的令状: default summons拖欠的债务: a delinquent debt债务拖欠: debt default拖欠债权, 拖欠应收款项: delinquent receivables债务人,欠债的人: debtor债务人 借方 欠户 欠债人: debtor欠债: 1.(欠别人的钱) be in debt; run into debt; owe a debt 欠债不还 not to pay the money one owes2.(所欠的债) debt due; outstanding accounts 还清欠债 clear [pay] off all one's debt; clear a debt incurred; 欠债人 debtor拖欠: be behind in payment; be in arrears; be back; tardy; default 拖欠房租 be in arrears with the rent; 拖欠税款 be in arrears with tax payment; default of tax payments; 拖欠款项 payments in arrears; 拖欠上交利润 being in arrears in handing over profits; 拖欠应收款项 delinquent receivables; 拖欠债务 delinquency债权人扣押欠债务人债务的第三人的财产: third-party attachments不欠债: be out of debt; free from debt; keeone's head above water; keep head above water; out of debt欠情,欠债: in debt欠债,负债: in debt欠债;白条: iou i owe you欠债的: in queer street; indeed ad欠债人: debtor赊帐, 欠债: run a score债,欠债: arrears债务: debt; liabilities; amount due; engagement◇债务到期日 date of exigibility of the obligation; 债务额 amount of debt; 债务公司 debtor corporation; 债务管理 debt management; 债务国 debtor nation; 债务纠纷 dispute over obligation; 债务投资信托 bond investment trust; 债务限额 debt ceiling; debt limit; 债务证券 debt instrument; 债务证书 bond; 债务总额 aggregate liability落后;拖欠: fall behind