Students of topology will recognize this situation . 学习拓扑学的学生将理解这一情况。
Electrical networks ; algebraification of topology and fundamentals of electrical network calculation 电网.拓扑学的代数化和电网计算的基础
Its propositions hold as well for objects made of rubber as for the rigid figures encountered in metric geometry 拓扑学的一些定理适用于橡胶制成的(可变形的)物体,也同样适用于在度量几何学中讨论的刚性图形。
A series of results of relative separation properties and relative compactness are obtained in l - fuzzy topological spaces 本文得到了l - fuzzy拓扑空间中相对分离性与相对紧性的一系列结果,从而丰富了l - fuzzy拓扑学的内容。
The hypothesis that conodonts are vertebrates has been supported by the evidence of the microstructural , topological and developmental homology of hard tissues between conodonts and vertebrates 牙形动物是脊椎动物的假说已经有牙形动物和脊椎动物之间微观构造的拓扑学的以及发育学的同源性的证据。