Seven roubles to pay for cartage to dorogobuzh 费拉蓬托夫说。
At that moment ferapontov returned and went into the shop 那时,费拉蓬托夫从街上回来,走进店里。
Seeing alpatitch , ferapontov turned to him . its all over with russia ! he shouted 费拉蓬托夫看见了阿尔帕特奇,便转身对他说。
Ferapontovs wife and children were sitting in a cart too , waiting till it was possible to start . it was by now quite dark 费拉蓬托夫的妻子带着孩子们也坐在一辆大车上,等到通行时才过去。
Its getting quieter though , said ferapontov , getting up after drinking three cups of tea . i suppose , our side has got the best of it 费拉蓬托夫喝完了三杯茶,站起来说, “一定是我们的军队打胜了。