It would be presumptuous , as well as tasteless , to suggest we are looking at another example of “ death by overwork ” here 不管怎样,那些认识拉特纳的人都会谈到他巨大的工作热情。
It will be a strange christmas this year on the uk high street , with no ratner to explain what is really going on 没有了拉特纳的评论,在英国大街上,今年的圣诞节将会令人很不习惯。
Secretary of world packaging organization carl olsmats and president of apf ( asiatic packaging federation ) dharma ratnayake attended the ceremony 世界包装组织秘书长卡尔?奥斯迈茨,亚洲包装联盟主席达尔马?拉特纳亚克等参加了昨天的奠基仪式。
Eric rignot of nasa ' s jet propulsion laboratory at the california institute of technology and pannir kanagaratnam of the university of kansas used satellite data to track the movement of greenland ' s glaciers , which slide slowly down to the sea and deposit ice 美国宇航局喷气推进实验室的埃里克利格诺特和美国堪萨斯大学的潘尼尔卡那格拉特纳利用卫星数据对格陵兰岛冰山的运动进行了监控研究。
Prior to routh ' s casting as superman , warner bros had spent over a decade developing a plan to relaunch the franchise , with possible stars including nicolas cage and planned helmers including tim burton , wolfgang peterson , mcg and brett ratner 在鲁斯出演《超人》之前,华纳兄弟公司花了十多年的时间来计划重新筹建剧组,包括可能出演的影星尼古拉斯?凯奇以及蒂姆?伯特恩、沃夫冈?彼德森、麦克基和布列特?拉特纳等计划邀请的名导。