Mrs. farebrother welcomed the guest with a lively formality and precision . 费厄布拉泽太太兴致勃勃,很有礼貌,不亢不卑地接待客人。
The change of fairbrother was much cramped by his having failed in the proof which he expected to lead . 费尔布拉泽由于未受获得预期的证词而受挫。
Fairbrother, whose practice and intelligence were considerable, saw the necessity of letting the witness compose herself . 弗尔布拉泽颇有经验和才能,他看出有必要让证人镇静一下。
Fairbrother's countenance fell. but with that ready presence of mind, which is as useful in civil as in military emergences, he immediately rallied . 费尔布拉泽的脸色都变了。可是他灵机一动这无论在平时或军情紧急时都很有效立即振作起精神来。
Braz is going to override the doors manually , okay 布拉泽要手动打开舱门,听到