The operator in parentheses in (3. 54) is called the laplacian operator . 在(354)的括号里的算符叫做拉普拉斯算符。
The book is self-contained, with appendices included on elementary matrix and laplace transforms . 本书自成体系,并有初等阵论及拉普拉斯变换的附录。
In the nineteenth century, pierre simon, marquis de laplace unified all these early ideas and compiled the first general theory of probability . 十九世纪,P西蒙,M拉普拉斯统一了这些早期思想,首先建立了概率的基本理论。
From long ago, by an established tradition that can be traced to the hypothesis of immanuel kant and the marquis de laplace, astronomers have assumed that stars develop out of a scattered, diffuse medium of gas and dust . 很长时间以来,天文学家承袭了可以追溯至康德和拉普拉斯假说所建立的概念,认为恒星由散布在空中的弥漫气尘物质演变而来。
Sharp upper bound on the laplacian spectral radius of graphs 图的拉普拉斯谱半径的新可达上界