The swarm of bronnitskys , wintzengerodes , and others like them , embittered the feud between the commanders still further , and there was less unity than ever 一群布拉尼茨基温岑格罗德之流的人物更加恶化了两位司令官之间的关系,结果是更加不统一了。
Lubomirsky , bronnitsky , vlotsky , and others of the same sort , helped to swell the clamour to such a point that barclay , on the pretext of sending papers to the tsar in petersburg , got rid of the polish generals , and entered into open conflict with bennigsen and the grand duke 柳博米尔斯基布拉尼茨基和弗洛茨基之流的人物,吵得之凶,使得巴克莱借口给皇上呈送文件,差遣波兰高级侍从武官到彼得堡去,然后对贝尼格森和大公进行一场公开的斗争。