

  • postextension swell
  • 拉伸:    draw; stretching; traction; ...
  • :    behind; back; rear
  • 膨胀:    expand; swell; dilate; infla ...
  • 后膨胀:    after expansion
  • 拉伸后的长度:    gestreckte lnge stock length straight length


        拉伸:    draw; stretching; traction; ...
        :    behind; back; rear
        膨胀:    expand; swell; dilate; infla ...
        后膨胀:    after expansion
        拉伸后的长度:    gestreckte lnge stock length straight length
        花后膨大的:    accrescent
        拉伸:    draw; stretching; traction; [纺织] drawing; stretch◇拉伸包装 stretch package; 拉伸变形 stretcher strain; 拉伸成形 [机械工程] stretch forming; wrap forming; 拉伸成形机 [机械工程] stretch former;stretch forming machine(ry); 拉伸机 stretcher; 拉伸加捻 draw-twisting; 拉伸加捻机 drawtwister; draw-twister; stretch-twister; 拉伸络丝 draw-winding; 拉伸络丝机 draw winder; 拉伸器 stretcher; 拉伸强度 [力学] hot strength; tensile strength; 拉伸试验 tensile test; elongation test; 拉伸应变 [物理学] tensile strain; 拉伸应力 [力学] tensile stress intensity of breaking; stretching stress
        膨胀:    expand; swell; dilate; inflate; puff; bulge; inflation; expansion; dilatation; buckling; swelling; upswelling; bulking; distension; distention; infarctate; pinguis; physiosis; inturgescence; intumesce; ectasia; ectasis; ectasy; turgidity; bloat 机构膨胀 bloated organizational structure; 人员膨胀 bloated staff; 金属受了热就会膨胀。 metals expand when they are heated.; 膨胀安全阀 expansion relief valve; 膨胀度 dilation; dilatation; 膨胀阀 expansion valve; 膨胀计 dilatometer; 膨胀剂 swelling agent; expanding agent; 膨胀器 expander; 膨胀曲线 expansion curve; 膨胀系数 expansion coefficient; coefficient of expansion
        板拉伸:    plate stretching
        纯拉伸:    pure extension; simple tension
        负拉伸:    negative draft; negative stretch
        过拉伸:    overstretching
        后拉伸:    after drawing; after stretching; after-stretching; afterdrawing
        拉伸,延伸:    stretch
        拉伸;拉长:    stretch
        拉伸板:    stretched plate
        拉伸比:    draw ratio, extension ratio; stretch ratio
        拉伸带:    tensile phase
        拉伸的:    drawn; stretched; tensile
        拉伸度:    degree of drawing; degree of stretching
        拉伸段:    stretch section
        拉伸法:    rubber vulcanized - determination of adhesion to metal - tension method
        拉伸管:    stretched tube
        拉伸辊:    draw roll; stretching roller
        拉伸环:    ironing ring


  1. "拉伸辊研磨和包覆机"英文
  2. "拉伸过度"英文
  3. "拉伸荷载"英文
  4. "拉伸和压缩试验"英文
  5. "拉伸后的长度"英文
  6. "拉伸滑动"英文
  7. "拉伸滑架"英文
  8. "拉伸环"英文
  9. "拉伸回复力"英文
  10. "拉伸回转成形"英文


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