拇指: thumb汤: hot water; boiling water姆: governess of girl wet nurse ...大拇指汤姆: thumbling; tom thumb拇指汤姆历险记: tom thumb就如大拇指汤姆般忧郁: just like tom thumb's blues拇指: 1.(手的第一个指头)thumb2.(脚的第一个趾头) big toe汤姆: brokaw, tom; i'm quite satisfied with these flowery skirt and sweater, but i'm not sure if my wife likes them. i guess if she hates them, i can return, right; taml; the adventures of tom sawyer; the history of tom jones a foundling; thomas; thomm; tom cruise; tom dooley; tom hanks; tom lehman; tom o' roughley; tom riddle; tom wegman大拇指: [口语] thumb 竖起大拇指叫好 hold up one's thumb in approval; 抚弄大拇指 twiddle or twirl one's thumbs短拇指: short thumb复拇指: duplication of the thumb; duplication of thumb拇指;翻阅: thumb拇指的: pollical拇指歌: where is thumbman拇指骨: bone of thumb拇指痕: thumbmark拇指夹: thumbscrew拇指甲: thumb-nail拇指孔: thumb hole拇指轮: thumb wheel拇指钳: thumb forceps拇指球: thenar拇指山: thumbs the; thumbs, the拇指套: thumbstall拇指纹: thumb mark; thumbmark; thumbprint