

  • unnail
  • 拆除:    demolish; dismantle; remove; ...
  • 钉子:    nail snag
  • :    use; take
  • 钉子:    1.(铁钉) nail2.(意外的障碍) snag; 碰钉子 hit a snag; strike a snag; meet with a rebuff (from); run against a snag
  • 松开:    beating; come off; disengagement; disentangle; disentwine; easing; extricat; let alone = let go of; lock out; lockout; looseness; loosening; rarefy; ravel; release--- to free from something that binds, fastens, or holds back; let go; slacken out; surge; trip; unbind; uncage; uncaging; unclamping; unclench; uncoil; undog; undoing; unfasten; unlash; unlay; unlock; unloosen; unsnarl; unstick; untie; unwind; veer


        拆除:    demolish; dismantle; remove; ...
        钉子:    nail snag
        :    use; take
        钉子:    1.(铁钉) nail2.(意外的障碍) snag; 碰钉子 hit a snag; strike a snag; meet with a rebuff (from); run against a snag
        松开:    beating; come off; disengagement; disentangle; disentwine; easing; extricat; let alone = let go of; lock out; lockout; looseness; loosening; rarefy; ravel; release--- to free from something that binds, fastens, or holds back; let go; slacken out; surge; trip; unbind; uncage; uncaging; unclamping; unclench; uncoil; undog; undoing; unfasten; unlash; unlay; unlock; unloosen; unsnarl; unstick; untie; unwind; veer
        拆除:    demolish; dismantle; remove; pull down 拆除城墙 remove [demolish] a city wall; 拆除军事基地 dismantle military bases; 拆除障碍物 remove obstacles; 这家工厂的设备和家俱全被拆除了。 the plant was dismantled of all its equipment and furniture
        涂以松香:    rosin
        打钉子:    tack holes
        钉;钉子:    nail
        钉钉子:    drive in a nail
        钉子户:    [比喻] (难对付的人) tartar
        钉子裤:    nail cool
        钉子铁:    nail iron
        碰钉子:    receive serious rebuff; be snubbed; bump one's head against a nail; have one's offer [proposal] turned down; meet rejection; meet with a flat refusal; meet with a rebuff; meet setbacks; get into trouble; run into snags 不老实的人非碰钉子不可。 a dishonest person is bound to meet with setbacks sooner or later
        起钉子:    draw out a nail
        锈钉子:    hairy clovershrub root
        指甲,钉子:    nail
        变松,松开:    come loose
        放开,松开:    let go
        放松;松开:    ease off
        解开,松开:    aufbinden
        松开, 解开:    wind off
        松开,解开:    undo
        松开的:    loosened; unleash; unstuck
        松开环:    trip ring; triring


  1. "拆除撑柱"英文
  2. "拆除城墙"英文
  3. "拆除成本"英文
  4. "拆除的引信"英文
  5. "拆除的装备"英文
  6. "拆除发动机"英文
  7. "拆除房屋工程队"英文
  8. "拆除房屋工作队"英文
  9. "拆除费用"英文
  10. "拆除缝夹钩"英文


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