- unnail
- 拆除: demolish; dismantle; remove; ...
- 钉子: nail snag
- 以: use; take
- 钉子: 1.(铁钉) nail2.(意外的障碍) snag; 碰钉子 hit a snag; strike a snag; meet with a rebuff (from); run against a snag
- 松开: beating; come off; disengagement; disentangle; disentwine; easing; extricat; let alone = let go of; lock out; lockout; looseness; loosening; rarefy; ravel; release--- to free from something that binds, fastens, or holds back; let go; slacken out; surge; trip; unbind; uncage; uncaging; unclamping; unclench; uncoil; undog; undoing; unfasten; unlash; unlay; unlock; unloosen; unsnarl; unstick; untie; unwind; veer