拆: tear open; take apart撑: prop up; support撞: collide; strike; knock; bump ...木: tree撞木鲛: hammerhead拆楔墩撞木: battering ram; cribbing ram首部防撞木: head log彗星撞木星: comet shoemaker-levy 9【动物;动物学】撞木鲛,双髻鲨。: hammerfish拆成废钢铁: scraping拆撤成本: decommissioning cost拆出利率: offer rate拆拆叠叠乐趣环: baby mickey stacking rings拆出息率: offer rate拆残烟及烟丝回收装置: cigarette opening and tobacco recovery plant拆出资金: loans to other banks拆并: demerger拆除: demolish; dismantle; remove; pull down 拆除城墙 remove [demolish] a city wall; 拆除军事基地 dismantle military bases; 拆除障碍物 remove obstacles; 这家工厂的设备和家俱全被拆除了。 the plant was dismantled of all its equipment and furniture 拆壁脚: [方言] cut the ground from under sb.'s feet; spoil sb.'s little game 不怕你去拆壁脚! think you can double-cross me, eh