

发音:   用"担保票据"造句


  1. Guaranteed notes assigned a2 first - time rating by moody s ; outlook stable
  2. Guaranteed notes assigned a2 first - time rating by moody s ; outlook stable
  3. Icbc ( asia ) proposed on 1 september 2004 the issue of not less than us $ 300 million guaranteed notes ( due 2009 ) , to be arranged by goldman sachs ( asia ) , hsbc and j . p . morgan securities
    中国工商银行(亚洲)于二零零四年九月一日建议,发行不少于三亿美元并于二零零九年到期之具担保票据,由高盛(亚洲) 、汇丰及j
  4. Icbc asia proposed on 1 september 2004 the issue of not less than us 300 million guaranteed notes due 2009 , to be arranged by goldman sachs asia , hsbc and j . p . morgan securities
    中国工商银行亚洲于二零零四年九月一日建议,发行不少于三亿美元并于二零零九年到期之具担保票据,由高盛亚洲汇丰及j . p . morgan securities安排发行。
  5. Industrial and commercial bank of china asia limited " icbc asia " , stock code : 349 is pleased to announce that moody s investors service has assigned an a2 rating to the us dollar guaranteed notes due 2009 of icbc c . i
    中国工商银行亚洲有限公司股份代号: 0349欣然公布,穆迪投资服务对icbc c . i .发行之二零零九年到期美元具担保票据给予a2评级,评级展望稳定。


        担保:    warrant; guarantee; go bail ...
        票据:    bill; note; negotiable instr ...
        无担保票据:    unsecured bill; unsecured notes
        有担保票据:    secured note
        附担保票据贴现,附担保贴现票据:    bill discounted with collateral securities
        无担保的票据:    uncovered note
        背书担保一张票据:    backing a bill
        融通票据;担保借据:    accommodation paper
        无担保的票据资产:    unsecured paper assets
        以应收票据担保:    notes receivable as collateral
        打保票:    vouch for somebody; guarantee something
        保证票据;保证单;担保债券:    guaranteed note
        符合借款担保条件票据:    eligible bill for collateral for a loan
        附证券担保的票据贴现:    bills discounted with collateral securities
        担保:    warrant; guarantee; go bail for; vouch for; ensure; assure; assurance; bail; surety 出口信贷担保 export credit guarantees; 我担保她能做好这项工作。 i assure you that she can be trusted to do the job
        票据:    1.(写有支付金额义务的证件) bill; note; negotiable instrument 不完全票据 incomplete bill; 定期票据 fixed bill; 到期票据 matured bill; 到期未付票据 overdue bill; 即期票据 sight bill; 借款票据 loan bill; 通用票据 passable bill; 应付票据 bills payable; 应收票据 bills receivable; 远期票据 long-dated bill; 伪造票据 fake bill; 票据即将到期。 the bill will soon fall due. 我拒绝兑现你的票据。 i refuse to honour your bill.2.(出纳或货运凭证) voucher; receipt; 票据背书 endorse a bill; 票据本 approval book; 票据存根 counterfoil; 票据付款通知 advice of bill paid; 票据交换 clearance; clearer; 票据交换所 clearing house; 票据结算 clearing; 票据金额 amount of the instrument; 票据经纪人 bill broker; 票据清算公司 clearing corporation; 票据收款通知 advice of bill collected; 票据贴现 discounting of bill; 票据贴现率 acceptance rate; 票据贴现押金[保证金] bill discount deposit; 票据托收 collection on bill; 票据议付 negotiation of bills
        担保;担保品:    security
        保单,担保:    warranty
        保险,担保:    ensure
        担保, 保证:    vouch for
        担保,保证:    guarantee
        担保的:    sponsored
        担保额:    amount guaranteed; amount of bond
        担保法:    security law
        担保方:    assurance provider


  1. "担保借款限制"英文
  2. "担保金额"英文
  3. "担保金额, 担保借款额"英文
  4. "担保联署者"英文
  5. "担保赔偿"英文
  6. "担保品"英文
  7. "担保品估价率"英文
  8. "担保品管理"英文
  9. "担保品目录"英文
  10. "担保品所有权的转移"英文


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