

  • overdraft
  • 抽风:    fall into convulsions; covul ...
  • 过度:    excessive; over; undue; ana- ...
  • 抽风:    1.[医学] (惊厥; 痉挛; 抽搐) fall into convulsions; covulsions; convulsive seizures; spasms; cramps2.(把空气抽进来) draw in air with a kind of device; induced draft
  • 抽风室 抽风箱:    windchamber
  • 抽风箱, 抽风室:    wind chamber


        抽风:    fall into convulsions; covul ...
        过度:    excessive; over; undue; ana- ...
        抽风:    1.[医学] (惊厥; 痉挛; 抽搐) fall into convulsions; covulsions; convulsive seizures; spasms; cramps2.(把空气抽进来) draw in air with a kind of device; induced draft
        抽风室 抽风箱:    windchamber
        抽风箱, 抽风室:    wind chamber
        风过浪平:    the wind passed and the waves calmed down.; after a storm comes a calm
        风过太平洋:    winds across the pacific
        风过溪谷:    canyon winds
        鼓风过滤器:    blast air strainer
        龙卷风过后:    after the tornado
        排风过滤器:    exhaust-air filter
        秋风过耳:    like an autumn breeze passing the ear -- thinking sth. of no importance; can be regarded with indifference;(like) wind whistling past one's ears--pay no heed to; regard with indifference; turn a deaf ear to
        如风过耳:    turn a deaf ear to; in one ear and out the other; regard sb.'s words with indifference; take sb.'s words [advice] like wind passing the ear [like water off a duck's back]
        通风过滤器:    ventilation filter
        旋风过滤器:    cyclone filter; cylone filter
        过度:    excessive; over; undue; ana-; hyper- 过度兴奋 be overexcited; 过度敏感 oversensitive; hypersensitive; 过度的睡眠 excess sleep; 饮酒过度 drink to excess; overdrink; 磨损过度 (of a thing) totally worn-out; 过度捕捞 overfishing; 过度采伐 over-exploitation; 过度成熟(现象) postmaturity; 过度发育 overdevelopment; 过度放牧 overgrazing; 过度负荷 over load; 过度感染 superinfection; hyperinfection; 过度紧张 supertension; 过度竞争 over-competition; 过度开发 overexploitaction; 过度砍伐 overcut; 过度疲劳 over fatigue; be overtired; 过度曝光 overexposure; 过度生长 overgrowth; 过度使用 overuse; 过度退火 overannealed; 过度弯曲 overbending; 过度兴奋 overexcitation; 过度学习 overlearning; 过度照射 overexposure; 过度种植 overcrop
        抽风泵:    aspiring pump; aspiring-pump
        抽风段:    downdraught zone
        抽风管:    draft tube; exhaust column; exhaust tube
        抽风柜:    draught cupboard; fume cupboard
        抽风机:    air ejector fan; air extractor; air-ejector fan; air-extractor; aspirator; discharge fan; downdraught fan; drawing fan; exhaust blower; exhaust fan; exhausting fan; extract fan; extract ventilator; extraction fan; extractor fan; induced draft fan; induced draught fan; induced fan; inducedfan; inductive-type exhauster; suction blower; suction fan; suction ventilator; vacuum fan
        抽风器:    chimney aspirator; extract ventilator
        抽风扇:    discharge fan; draft fan
        抽风室:    wind chamber
        抽风箱:    wind chamber


  1. "抽风干燥段风箱"英文
  2. "抽风干燥段炉罩"英文
  3. "抽风干燥段排烟除尘器"英文
  4. "抽风管"英文
  5. "抽风柜"英文
  6. "抽风和进风气流"英文
  7. "抽风横流式冷却塔"英文
  8. "抽风环式冷却机"英文
  9. "抽风回转换热"英文
  10. "抽风机"英文


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