

[ chōubá ] 发音:   "抽拔"的汉语解释   用"抽拔"造句
  • hot swappable stacking
  • hot-swappable


  1. In the first part of the research , fem simulations are carried out in the study of the failure process of a single fiber composite in the pull out tests
  2. The tendency of the simulated curves of pull out forces vs . displacements agrees well with experimental results , indicating the use and power of the present approach
  3. Finally , an energy approach is combined with the fem in the simulation of the crack propagation along the fiber / matrix interface in a pull out process . the simulated results are in nice conformity with experimental results . the second part of the research deals with the characterization of the failure process in the fragmentation tests , which is one of the most frequently used test methods in studying thermal mechanical properties of fiber / matrix interfaces
  4. Research work described in this dissertation consists of four parts : application of finite element methods ( fem ) in the study of pull out tests of single fiber reinforced composites ( sfrc ) , fem study of fragmentation tests for single fiber reinforced composites , monte carlo simulation of fragmentation tests for single fiber reinforced composites , and a simulation of impact failure behaviors of fiber composites with a mesh free method - the sph method
    全文论述从四个方面展开的工作:单纤维复合材料抽拔试验的有限元数值模拟,单纤维复合材料逐节断裂试验的有限元数值模拟,蒙特卡罗方法模拟单纤维复合材料受拉破坏过程,无网格sph算法在复合材料受冲击破坏过程中的v _ ( 50 )数值模拟。
  5. The results of numerical simulations and analytical solution show good accordance , except in the region near the fiber ends , where the shear - lag approach causes considerable discrepancy . next , to overcome the unrealistic assumption of perfect bonding , augmented - lagrange contact algorithm , element " birth - death " and fem are combined in the study of the partial debonding between fiber and matrix under pull out forces


        :    take out
        :    pluck; pull out; pull up; dr ...
        热抽拔:    hot plug; hot swap
        抽拔插座:    pull socket
        抽拔工具:    extractor
        抽拔设备:    extracting device
        开尾销抽拔工具:    split pin extractor
        螺纹接套抽拔器:    nipple extractor
        抽拔工具分离器脱水器:    extracter; extractor
        抽,拉,压延牵引:    drawing
        抽(查)衡(重):    weight by partial checking
        :    动词1.(把夹在中间的东西拉出; 提取) take out (from in between) 从文件夹里抽出一份报告 take a report out of the file2.(从全部里取出一部分; 腾出) take (a part from a whole) 把他抽出来管仓库 release him from his job and put him in charge of the warehouse; 开会前请抽时间把文件看一下。 please try and find time to read the document before the meeting.3.(某些植物体长出) (of certain plants) put forth 抽枝 branch out; sprout; 高粱抽穗了。 the sorghum is in the ear. 小树抽出了嫩芽。 the saplings are budding.4.(引出; 吸) obtain by drawing, etc.: 抽水 pump water; 抽血 draw blood (for a test or transfusion)5.(收缩) shrink 这种布一洗就抽。 this cloth shrinks in the wash.6.(用条状物等打; 抽打) lash; whip; thrash 抽牲口 lash a draught animal; 抽陀螺 whip a top
        宠羲:    chong xi
        抽泵:    pumping
        宠婢:    mistress


        抽拔的韩语:[동사] 뽑다. 선발[발탁]하다.
        抽拔的俄语:pinyin:chōubá 1) вырывать, выдёргивать; вытягивать 2) выдвигать: представлять (напр. к повышению)
        抽拔什么意思:  1.  提拔;擢用。    ▶ 《后汉书‧范滂传》: “显荐异节, 抽拔幽陋。”    ▶ 《三国志‧吴志‧陆逊传》: “今 荆州 始定, 人物未达, 臣愚慺慺, 乞普加覆载抽拔之恩, 令并获自进, 然后四海延颈, 思归大化。”    ▶ 《晋书‧苟晞传》: “尚书 何绥 、中书令 缪播 、太仆 缪胤 、...


  1. "宠婢"英文
  2. "宠羲"英文
  3. "抽"英文
  4. "抽(查)衡(重)"英文
  5. "抽,拉,压延牵引"英文
  6. "抽拔插座"英文
  7. "抽拔工具"英文
  8. "抽拔工具分离器脱水器"英文
  9. "抽拔设备"英文
  10. "抽泵"英文


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