

  • write off


        报销:    submit an expense account; a ...
        勾销:    liquidate; write off; cancel ...
        注销:    log off; logout; cancel; wit ...
        注销,勾销:    write off
        报废,勾销,注销:    write off
        取消,勾销,注销:    write off
        取消;注销;勾销:    write off
        注销,勾销,取消:    write off
        注销;勾销;写信寄出:    write off
        勾销:    liquidate; write off; cancel; expunge; wipe out; strike out 勾销债务 liquidate a debt; 勾销往事 clean the slate; 一笔勾销 write off at one stroke
        报销:    1.(报销帐目) submit an expense account; apply for reimbursement; give a statement on one's expenses (for a trip on business); claim payment or refund 向财务科报销 submit an expense account to the treasurer's office2.(报废销帐) hand in a list of expended articles3.[口语] (消灭) write off; wipe out; be destroyed 我们两面夹攻, 一个连的敌人很快就报销了。 a company of enemy force was caught in our cross fire and was wiped out right away.; 报销单 dispatch list
        注销:    log off; [计算机] logout; cancel; withdraw; make void; nullify; annul; strike from the list; write off 把借条注销 cancel a written acknowledgment of a loan; cancel an i.o.u.; 帐已注销。 the account has been written off.; 注销登记 nullify one's registration; cancellation of registration; 注销定货单 cancel order; 注销费 cancellation charges; 注销合同 cancellation of treaty; 注销户口 cancellation of household registration; 注销权 right of cancellation
        划掉, 勾销:    line through
        划掉,勾销:    cross off/out; cross off/out
        报销, 报帐:    send in account
        报销,伏款:    reimburse
        报销单:    expense account
        死亡,报销:    bite the dust
        注销款项;注销:    write-off
        勾销呆帐:    bad debt written off
        勾销的数量:    vd volume deleted
        勾销往事:    clean the slate
        勾销债务:    liquidate a debt
        取消,抵消,勾销:    cancel
        取消勾销:    write off


  1. "报喜钟"英文
  2. "报系"英文
  3. "报销"英文
  4. "报销, 报帐"英文
  5. "报销,伏款"英文
  6. "报销币种"英文
  7. "报销出差费"英文
  8. "报销单"英文
  9. "报销方法"英文
  10. "报销时限"英文


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