

发音:   "报仇雪耻"的汉语解释   用"报仇雪耻"造句
  • recover the ashes; take revenge for an insult
  • 报仇:    revenge; avenge
  • 雪耻:    avenge an insult; wipe out a ...
  • 复仇雪耻:    get even with a person to wreck out one's vengeance; take (one's) revenge on sb. for an insult
  • 报仇雪恨:    pay off old scores; avenge oneself and cancel out one's hatred; get even with a hated enemy; glut one's revenge; have avenged an old wrong and wiped away the old hatred; hurt sb. in return for a wrong; quit scores; take one's revenge and wipe out the hatred from one's heart; take revenge; wreak vengeance and redress hatred -- wipe out a grievance
  • 雪耻报仇:    wipe [blot] out a disgrace and avenge a grievance


  1. Chinese cooperation on a range of issues , from peacekeeping to drug interdiction to the korean peninsula would be injured
  2. The remembrance rankles still in the bosoms of millions of the countrymen . they pant for an opportunity of revenging that humiliation


        报仇:    revenge; avenge
        雪耻:    avenge an insult; wipe out a ...
        复仇雪耻:    get even with a person to wreck out one's vengeance; take (one's) revenge on sb. for an insult
        报仇雪恨:    pay off old scores; avenge oneself and cancel out one's hatred; get even with a hated enemy; glut one's revenge; have avenged an old wrong and wiped away the old hatred; hurt sb. in return for a wrong; quit scores; take one's revenge and wipe out the hatred from one's heart; take revenge; wreak vengeance and redress hatred -- wipe out a grievance
        雪耻报仇:    wipe [blot] out a disgrace and avenge a grievance
        雪耻:    avenge an insult; wipe out a humiliation or disgrace
        报仇:    revenge; avenge 替同志们报仇 avenge one's comrades
        报仇,报复:    vengeance
        报仇,复仇:    avenge
        报仇的:    avenging
        报仇地:    avengingly
        为报仇:    avenge
        向……报仇:    pour out vials of one's wrath on
        伸冤雪耻:    redress a grievance and wipe out a disgrace
        雪耻的机会:    revenge
        报恩与报仇:    repayment of both the good or evil that another person has caused you
        回报仇敌:    retaliate upon one's foe
        忍辱报仇:    put up with an insult in order to take revenge
        誓欲报仇:    swear that (one) will have revenge; vow vengeance
        替……报仇,报复:    revenge
        替父报仇:    avenge the death of one's father; avenge one's father
        以仇报仇:    revenge wrong with wrong
        替同志们报仇:    avenge one's comrades
        我发誓要报仇:    i am sworn to avenge
        有报仇心理的:    vengeful


        报仇雪耻的法语:laver un outrage venger un outrage
        报仇雪耻什么意思:bào chóu xuě chǐ 【解释】报:报复;仇:仇恨;雪:洗刷,除去;耻:耻辱。报复冤仇,洗刷耻辱 【出处】西汉·刘向《战国策·燕策二》:“若先王之报仇雪耻,夷万乘之强国。” 【示例】鲁迅《且介亭杂文末编·女吊》:“会稽乃~之乡,非藏垢纳污之地!” 【拼音码】bcxc 【用法】联合式;作谓语、宾语、定语;形容人报冤仇、解怨恨 【英文】revenge


  1. "报仇"英文
  2. "报仇,报复"英文
  3. "报仇,复仇"英文
  4. "报仇的"英文
  5. "报仇地"英文
  6. "报仇雪恨"英文
  7. "报仇血战 你给我出来"英文
  8. "报出价格"英文
  9. "报出口"英文
  10. "报出日期"英文


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