Inevitably, in any given situation, a balance is found between such opposing requirements . 在特定情况下,不可避免地要找到解决这些矛盾的折衷办法。
A compromise has to be made as to the choice of clones to be used as pollen parents . 对于用作授粉亲本的一些无性系的选择,不得不采用一种折衷办法。
He felt that he should have been able to meet max halfway, but, as always, when a white man talked to him, he was caught out in no man's land . 他觉得自己应该对麦克斯采取一种折衷办法;但象往常一样,当一个白人跟他谈话的时候,他就觉得六神无主。
This is frequently a good compromise 这通常是一个很好的折衷办法。