

发音:   用"抗拔试验"造句
  • pullout test
  • pulling test


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  1. Effect of keeping core soil on stability of tunnel working face
  2. Furthermore , the results of laboratory tests , totally 57 small - scale specimens , are presented that it is a much complex process that load being transferred from inserted angle steel to concrete foundation
    3 、本次57个试件的角钢抗拔试验表明,作用力从插入角钢传到混凝土基础是一个非常复杂的过程。
  3. This kind of adglutinate mixed with u expansion admixture can grip anchor bolts tightly even underwater , as can be seen from the pull - out type tests for anchor bolts when the mortar age is over 10 days . ( 2 ) the author lays the supporting piles as a arched shape
  4. In this paper , based on the model test of inserted foundation , the uplift mechanism , of inserted foundation , which has been applied widely in transmission tower , is studied and discussed deeply . and then , some useful results are obtained
  5. Secondly , the basic principle of the model test is discussed . a pullout loading test equipment is designed , and then , a great deal of tests and data - gathering apparatuses are introduced , including the examination approaches and processes
    2 、分析真型试验的试验原理,并设计出一套轴向抗拔加载试验装置,详细介绍了各种试验和数据采集仪器,以及基础进行真型抗拔试验的试验方法及步骤。


        :    resist; combat; fight
        :    pluck; pull out; pull up; dr ...
        试验:    experiment; test; trial
        抗拔力试验:    pull-out and test
        钢丝冷拔试验:    wire cold-drawn test
        高海拔试验室:    altichamber
        锚杠拉拔试验:    pull-test of rock bolts
        抗拔:    pullout test; pulling test
        抗拔力试验用试件:    pull-out specimen
        选拔试:    competitive examination
        抗拔力:    pull-out resistance; uplift resistance; upright resistance; withdrawal resistance
        抗拔桩:    uplift pile
        极限抗拔力:    ultimate pullout capacity
        绒头抗拔强力:    tuft pull strength
        深基础抗拔桩:    uplift pile
        公开竞争考试;选拔试;淘汰试:    competitive examination
        单桩抗拔极限承载力:    vertical ultimate uplift resistance of single pile
        单桩竖向抗拔极限承载力:    vertical ultimate uplift resistance of single pile
        试验:    trial; experiment; test 水力试验 hydraulic test; 发射试验 a firing trial; 飞行试验 an air trial; a flight test; 验收试验 acceptance test; 耐力试验 endurance test; 皮肤试验 skin test; 做化学试验 carry out an experiment in chemistry; 周教授正在做一项有趣的试验。 an interesting experiment is being tried by prof. zhou.; 试验班 experimental class; 试验报告 test report; 试验场 proving ground; testing ground; 试验车 instruction carriage; 试验程序 test routine; test program; testing program; testing sequence; 试验成本 experimentation cost; 试验船 test vessel; 试验点火 test firing; 试验堆 test reactor; 试验飞机 flight test vehicle; 试验飞行器 test vehicle; 试验费用 testing expenses; 试验工厂 pilot plant; 试验规范 test specification; 试验航行 shakedown cruise; 试验基地 proving ground; 试验机 testing machine; 试验阶段 experimental stage; 试验结果 test result; 试验模型 experimental model; pilot model; 试验农场 testing farm; agronomy farm; experimental farm; 试验片 [摄影学] test film; test piece; 试验品 experimental article; 试验气球 test balloon; 试验设备 test equipment; 试验设计 experimental design; experiment design; 试验设施 test facilities; 试验室 laboratory; 试验田 test field; experimental plot; experimental field; 试验系统 [自动化] pilot system; 试验仪器 test apparatus; 试验运转 trial run; 试验证明 evidence; 试验值 trial value; 试验周期 test period; 试验装置 tester
        深基础单桩竖向抗拔极限承载力:    vertical ultimate uplift resistance of single pile
        试验槽试验:    tank test
        试验室试验:    bench scale experiment; bench scale test; laboratory test
        试验塔试验:    test-tower test
        试验台试验:    bench run; bench test; benchtest; captive test; testing-bed test
        a-z试验:    aschheim-zondek test


  1. "抗巴金森症药"英文
  2. "抗拔"英文
  3. "抗拔力"英文
  4. "抗拔力试验"英文
  5. "抗拔力试验用试件"英文
  6. "抗拔桩"英文
  7. "抗白蛋白"英文
  8. "抗白发剂"英文
  9. "抗白发药"英文
  10. "抗白发因子,抗鸡皮炎因子"英文


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