Conclusion for the rescue and nursing of neonates with succeeded dic , the key was to analyze etiological factors and find out the primary disease , the measurement was to antishock , keep warm and retrieve water - electrolyte disturbances 结论分析弥散性血管内凝血dic的各种病因,去除原发病是治疗该病的关键,积极抗休克、保温、纠正水电解质紊乱是抢救的重要措施。
The medical microinjection instruments are the conventional apparatus used in the organization of medical treatment and health protection . they are mainly used in the infusion of artery and vein , the blood transfusion , the anti - shock treatment and the injection of narcotic 医用输液泵是当今医疗保健机构中必备的常规器械,它主要用于动静脉输液、输血、抗休克诒疗、肠内管饲及麻醉剂注射等。