

发音:   用"投资统计"造句
  • investment statistics
  • 投资:    put money in; invest
  • 统计:    statistics; census; numerica ...
  • 固定资产投资统计司:    fixed assets investment statistical department
  • 工资统计:    wage statistics
  • 统计:    1.(对有关数据的搜集、整理、计算和分析) statistics; census; numerical statement; vital statistics 人口统计 census; vital statistics; 据官方统计 according to official statistics; 据不完全统计 according to incomplete statistics; 统计显示, 这个国家人口在十年内将增加一倍。 statistics suggest that the population of this country will double in ten years' time.2.(总括地计算) add up; count 统计出席人数 count up the number of people present (at a meeting, etc.); 统计选票 count the votes; 统计报单 statistical copy; 统计表 statistical chart; statistical table; statistical graph; returns; 统计抽样 statistical sampling; 统计地图 statistical map; 统计方法 statistical method; 统计分析 statistic analysis; 统计力学 statistical mechanics; 统计数列 statistical series; 统计数字 census; statistical figures; statistics; 统计说明 statistical description; 统计图 cartogram; 统计图表 statistical diagram; statistical table; statistical chart; statistical graph; 统计信息 statistical information; 统计语言学 statistical linguistics; 统计员 statistician; 统计资料 statistical data


  1. These included the release of the first set of quarterly gross national product statistics for the first quarter of 1999 in december 1999 and the release of the first complete set of external direct investment statistics for 1998 in march 2000 , encompassing both the stock and flow of inward and outward direct investments


        投资:    put money in; invest
        统计:    statistics; census; numerica ...
        固定资产投资统计司:    fixed assets investment statistical department
        工资统计:    wage statistics
        统计:    1.(对有关数据的搜集、整理、计算和分析) statistics; census; numerical statement; vital statistics 人口统计 census; vital statistics; 据官方统计 according to official statistics; 据不完全统计 according to incomplete statistics; 统计显示, 这个国家人口在十年内将增加一倍。 statistics suggest that the population of this country will double in ten years' time.2.(总括地计算) add up; count 统计出席人数 count up the number of people present (at a meeting, etc.); 统计选票 count the votes; 统计报单 statistical copy; 统计表 statistical chart; statistical table; statistical graph; returns; 统计抽样 statistical sampling; 统计地图 statistical map; 统计方法 statistical method; 统计分析 statistic analysis; 统计力学 statistical mechanics; 统计数列 statistical series; 统计数字 census; statistical figures; statistics; 统计说明 statistical description; 统计图 cartogram; 统计图表 statistical diagram; statistical table; statistical chart; statistical graph; 统计信息 statistical information; 统计语言学 statistical linguistics; 统计员 statistician; 统计资料 statistical data
        投资:    1.(投放资金) invest 投资于工业 invest in industrial enterprises2.(投入的资金) investment; money invested 基本建设投资 investment in capital construction; 削减投资 cut back investment; 非生产性投资 investment in nonproductive project; 国家投资 state investment; 收回本厂投资 recoup the plant's capital outlay; 投资包干 investment lump-sum contracting; 投资保证 investment guarantee; 投资边际效率 marginal efficiency of investment; 投资场所 outlet for investment; 投资成本 capitalized cost; 投资额 amount of capital invested; 投资方案 investment priorities; 投资方向 investment along proper lines; investment orientation; methods of investments; 投资费 investment cost; 投资公司 investment company; 投资股份 capital investment shares; 投资管理 management of investment; 投资规模 scale of investment; 投资环境 investment environment; investment climate; 投资回收 returns on investment; recoup the sum invested; 投资回收率 rate of return on investment (投资利润率); 投资基金 investment funds; 投资机会 investment opportunity; 投资计划 investment plan; 投资价值 investment value; value of each contribution; 投资净额 net investment; 投资净收益 net investment income; 投资决策 investment decision; 投资率 rate of investment; 投资气候 investment climate; 投资洽谈会 investment symposium; 投资市场 investment market; 投资收益 income from investment; income on investment; 投资收益率 return on investment; 投资税收减让 tax incentives for; 投资限额 size of investment; 投资效益 returns on investment; investment result; benefit of investment; investment returns; 投资信贷 investment credit; 投资信托公司 investment trust; investment company; 投资信用 investment credit; 投资银行 investment bank; 投资银行业 investment banking; 投资债券 investment bond; 投资者 investor; 投资中心 investment center; 投资资本 invested capital; venture capital; 投资总规模 volume of total investment; 投资总量 aggregate investment
        统计,统计学:    statistics
        统计;统计资料:    statistics
        统计量;统计的:    statistic
        统计学;统计法:    statistics
        投资, 投资额:    investment dollars
        投资,投资额:    investment
        投资,投资于:    invest
        投资;投资项目:    investment
        总投资, 毛投资:    gross investment
        核统计:    nuclear statistics
        据统计:    according to statistics
        栏统计:    column statistics
        体系(统计):    frame
        统计表:    list of tables; numerical statement; return; statistical chart; statistical form; statistical table; statistical test; statistics; sum of squares; tables
        统计部:    statistic department
        统计处:    census and statistics department; directorate of statistical services; eurostat; statistical office; statistics division; unsd
        统计的:    statistical a. of collected numbers which represent facts or measurement
        统计地:    statistically
        统计法:    statistic law; statistic method; statistical approach; statistical method; statistical technique; statisticalmethod; statistics act; statistics law


  1. "投资体制改革"英文
  2. "投资天使"英文
  3. "投资条例"英文
  4. "投资通"英文
  5. "投资通货市场"英文
  6. "投资投入"英文
  7. "投资投入产出模型"英文
  8. "投资推广署"英文
  9. "投资推广署署长"英文
  10. "投资推广署署长卢维思"英文


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