

  • seize
  • :    grab; clutch; get; seize; gr ...
  • :    knock
  • 掠夺:    plunder; rob; pillage
  • 抓,抢:    rap
  • :    抢动词1.(抢劫) rob; loot 敌军士兵抢走了艺术博物馆的珍藏。 the enemy soldiers looted the treasures of the art museum. 那个人抢走了我的钱包。 that man robbed me of my wallet. 他们抢走了那家银行几千美元。 they robbed the bank of thousands of dallors.2.(抢夺) snatch; grab 别抢! don't grab! 她把照片抢了过去。 he snatched away the photo.3.(抢先; 争先) vie for; scramble for 抢干脏活重活 vie with each other for the dirtiest or hardest jobs; 抢球 scramble for the ball4.(赶紧; 突击) rush 抢收 rush in the harvest; 抢修河堤 rush to repair dikes5.(刮掉或擦掉物体表面的一层) scrape; scratch 把锅底抢一抢 scrape the bottom of the pot; 磨剪子抢菜刀 sharpen scissors and kitchen knives; 那男孩跌倒了, 抢掉了膝盖上的皮。 the boy fell and scraped the skin off his knee.


        :    grab; clutch; get; seize; gr ...
        :    knock
        掠夺:    plunder; rob; pillage
        抓,抢:    rap
        :    抢动词1.(抢劫) rob; loot 敌军士兵抢走了艺术博物馆的珍藏。 the enemy soldiers looted the treasures of the art museum. 那个人抢走了我的钱包。 that man robbed me of my wallet. 他们抢走了那家银行几千美元。 they robbed the bank of thousands of dallors.2.(抢夺) snatch; grab 别抢! don't grab! 她把照片抢了过去。 he snatched away the photo.3.(抢先; 争先) vie for; scramble for 抢干脏活重活 vie with each other for the dirtiest or hardest jobs; 抢球 scramble for the ball4.(赶紧; 突击) rush 抢收 rush in the harvest; 抢修河堤 rush to repair dikes5.(刮掉或擦掉物体表面的一层) scrape; scratch 把锅底抢一抢 scrape the bottom of the pot; 磨剪子抢菜刀 sharpen scissors and kitchen knives; 那男孩跌倒了, 抢掉了膝盖上的皮。 the boy fell and scraped the skin off his knee.
        :    动词1.(手指聚拢, 使物体固定在手中) grab; clutch; get; seize; grasp 一把抓住 clutch fast; 抓紧绳子 seize a rope; 他抓住我的手臂。 he grabbed me by the arm. 主人抓住我的手, 热情地和我握手。 the host seized my hand and shook it heartily.2.(搔抓) scratch 抓痒 scratch an itch; 抓头皮 scratch one's head; 猫用爪子抓。 the cat scratches with her claws.3.(捉拿; 捕捉) arrest; catch; seize 抓特务 seize the spy; 抓劳工 press-gang labourer; 他被抓起来了。 he was arrested. 他们当场把他抓住。 they caught him red-handed.4.(特别着重) stress; pay special attention to; emphasize 抓产品质量 emphasize the quality of the products; 抓苗头 watch out for the first signs; 抓重点 stress the essentials; 抓主要问题 pay special attention to the main problems5.(抢着做) seize; grasp 抓机会 seize an opportunity; grasp at an opportunity; 大胆抓起棘手问题 grasp the nettle6.(负责做) take charge of; be responsible for 他是抓业务的副校长。 he is a vice-president for academic affairs. 这项工作由他抓。he is in charge of the work.7.(吸引) attract; draw; fascinate 剧一开始就抓住了观众。 the play gripped the audience soon after it started. 他的演讲抓住了听众。 he attracted listeners' attention with his speech
        掠夺:    plunder; rob; pillage 掠夺成性 be predatory by nature; 掠夺一空 sack; plunder; pillage; 掠夺者 plunderer; looter
        抓,扒:    scratch
        抓,攫取:    snatch
        抢7局:    tie break; tie-break
        抢…的上风:    blanker
        抢,炮电子枪:    gun
        刮痕;划痕;抓:    scratch
        脚爪,抓,撕:    claw
        拿;抓;拿走;吃:    take
        搔,抓,扒:    scratch
        握, 抓, 手把, 柄:    handgrip
        抓, 夺, 捆绑:    seizing
        抓, 咬, 厉声说:    snap at
        抓,搔,挠:    scratch
        被掠夺:    be ransacked of
        捕食, 掠夺:    prey on
        夺取, 掠夺:    despoil
        夺取,掠夺:    despoil
        毁坏,掠夺:    depredation


  1. "抓[拾]取,挑,检,挑选,挑拣"英文
  2. "抓,扒"英文
  3. "抓,攫取"英文
  4. "抓,抢"英文
  5. "抓,搔,挠"英文
  6. "抓扒工具"英文
  7. "抓扒者"英文
  8. "抓扒者, 抓扒工具"英文
  9. "抓板尾"英文
  10. "抓瓣"英文


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