把: grip; handle某物: somewhat截短: brachytmema; truncation; tru ...去: go; leave尾: hairs on a horse's tail spik ...把(某物) 放下来: put down欠某人某物,把: owe sth to sb截短: brachytmema; truncation; truncature; [林学] dock◇截短码 shortened code去尾的: docked截短;缩短: curtail截短的: bobtail截短法: clipping截短码: shortened code截短尾: dock tailed大数, 略去尾数: round sum截头去尾的: truncated掐头去尾: break off both ends; do away with unnecessary parts [details] at both ends;leave out the beginning and the end; nip off unwanted parts; remove the superfluous part 讲故事最好别掐头去尾。 if you tell a story, you'd better tell it to the full牲畜去尾: docking斩头去尾: quoted in broken sentences; break off both ends; leave out the beginning and the end; quote ... out of context把: 把名词1.(器具上便于用手拿的部分) grip; handle 缸子把儿 the handle of a mug; 掸子把儿 duster grip; 枪把儿 rifle butt2.(花、叶或果实的柄) stem (of a leaf, flower or fruit) 花把 pedicel; 梨把 stem of a pear3.(被人做为谈笑资料的言行) subject for ridicule; handle 话把儿 target or material for gossip截短贝属: decurtella截短侧耳素: pleuromutilin; pleuromytilin截短的尾: bobtail截短距离: truncation distance截短菌素: gerobriecin