把: grip; handle船: boat; ship; vessels对准: aim at; be directed at; trai ...某: certain; some方位: position; bearing; direction ...把船对准…方位: bring to bearing把……对准某人: aim…lat对准某人: hit at sb/sth aim a blow at sb/sth对准某一方向的: direct方位对准: alignment of orientation把摄像机镜头对准某人: level the pickup camera at sb初始方位对准: initial azimuth alignment对准: 1.(瞄准) aim [point; direct] at; be directed at; train on 把枪口对准敌人 aim [point] one's gun at the enemy; 鲁迅的杂文绝大部分是对准敌人的。almost all of luxun's essays were directed at the enemy.2.[机械工程] alignment; aligning; aiming; registration 轴对准 shaft alignment; 对准标尺 alignment scale; 对准标记 alignment mark; mask target; 对准工件位置 location of work piece; 对准装置 alignment apparatus船对岸: ship to shore; shiptoshore沿某方: offset along瞄准某人: to shoot at somebody准某人假: grant sb leave of absence船对岸通信: ship to shore communication船对岸通讯: ship-to-shore communication方位: position; bearing; direction; points of the compass; placement 测定船舶方位 fix the bearings of a ship; 目标方位 target bearing; 借助罗盘, 旅行者可以找到自己所处的方位。 with the aid of a compass the traveler can find his bearings. 只要记住这座小山位于正北方, 你就能确定你所在的方位了。 you can orient yourself by remembering that the hill is due north 把船撑开: shove out把船浮起: get a shiafloat把船倾侧: careen把船首转向…: bow on把船拴住: moor