把: grip; handle球: sphere; globe球门: goal得分: score把球射入球门: goal球门,破门得分: tor他越过对方后卫趁势把球踢入球门: he dribbled past the fullback and scored a goal破门得分: make a goal; make/score/neta goal射门得分: field goal; to score a goal射门得分者: corer; goal getter; goal-getter侵入球门区: entering th egoal-rea; entering the goal-area把球门推开: push away the goal射门得分的球: goal-getter把球顶进球门: to head a ball into goal把球门往下拉: pull down the goal投篮或射门得分: score a goal球门后得分区: in goal; in-goal把球踢入对方球门: shoot the ball into the other team's goal单枪匹马投篮或门得分: solo goal他一脚把球踢进了球门: he kicked the ball into the goal入球: mwg射入: influx对方球门线后触地得分: to convert a try踢入本方球门(对方得分): own goal球门: [体育] goal◇球门口 goalmouth; 球门区 goal area; 球门区打法 goal area play; 球门网 goal-net; 球门柱 goalpost