A speech, as heavy with technical material as this one had to be, was unexciting from a press reporter's viewpoint . 象这样一篇充满技术名词的讲演,在新闻记者看来,确实太枯燥无味了。
Let s take a closer look at the subject and shed more light on the background . fear not : we won t get too technical 让我们更深入一点了解4gsound背后的技术背景,先别害怕,我们并不打算使用艰涩难懂的技术名词来把各位吓跑。
Think he would be handicapped by all the technical terms in english such as production possibility frontier , externality or comparative advantage not so 一些英文技术名词,难道不会造成学习上的障碍吗?不,他并没有被难倒。