Final warning letter for building covenant extension to small house grantee 发给小型屋宇承批人的延长建筑规约限期最后警告书
Where appropriate , lands d will allow the change of use by issuing a short term waiver ( stw ) to the lessee at a fee 如情况合适,地政总署会向承批人发出短期豁免书,批准新的土地用途,但承批人须缴付费用。
Similarly , if unauthorised change of use of leased land is discovered , lands d will require the lessee to rectify the unauthorised use 同样,假如发现未经许可而更改已批租土地用途的情况,地政总署会要求承批人纠正未经许可的用途。
The relevant district lands offices mediated between the developers or the lease holders concerned and the affected residents in resolving the problems 在接获投诉后,有关分区地政处会加以调解,协助有关发展商或土地承批人和受影响的居民解决问题。