- look for a way out; find an outlet; look for a job with a future; seek a way out
- 路: road; way; path
- 寻找出路: find one's way out
- 找出一条出路: find a way out
- 在困境中找出路: find a hole to creout of
- 出路: 1.(通向外面或向前发展的道路) way out; outlet 找出路 find a way out; 河道淤塞, 水无出路。 the riverbed is silted up, so there's no outlet for the floodwater. 农业的根本出路在于机械化。 the fundamental way out for agriculture lies in mechanization.2.(销售货物的去处) outlet 他们必须为自己的产品寻找出路。 they must find outlets for their products.3.(出口) egress