批复: give an official,written rep ...对: answer; reply个人: individual; personal的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...答复: reply recover; return to; re ...敕: imperial order; edict a surn ...令: order; command; decree一种: one kind; one type; one spec ...针对个人的: personal对个人的放款: loan to individuals对个人的影响: impact on individuals对个人的盲目崇拜: hero warship对个人: b to c英雄崇拜;对个人的盲目崇拜。: hero worship个人对个人: consumer-to-consumer; p2person to person; ptop(c2c):person to person否定的答复: answer in the negative肯定的答复: a positive answer无礼的答复: ungracious reply圆满的答复: a satisfactory replyc人对个人: c to企业对个人: b2c(business to consumer)人对个人: person to person立即作的答复: immediate reply变成对个人的议论, 进行人身攻击: become personal对个人的外汇管理施行细则: rules for the implementation of foreign exchange control relating to individuals