- buy wholesale
- 批发: wholesale
- 购: purchase; buy
- 进: advance; move forward; move ...
- 批发: 1.(成批销售) wholesale 以批发方式 by wholesale2.(批准发布) be authorized for dispatch; 批发部 wholesale department; 批发承受商 wholesale receiver; 批发店 jobbing house; 批发公司 wholesale corporation; 批发购进 buy wholesale; 批发价格 wholesale price (a trade price); 批发价格指数 index number of wholesale prices; 批发零售商 semijobber; 批发贸易 wholesale trade; 批发商 wholesaler; merchant wholesaler; 批发商店 wholesale shop; 批发商业 wholesale commerce; 批发市场 terminal market; wholesale market; 批发物价指数 wholesale price index; 批发销售额 wholesale sales; 批发业 wholesale business; 批发折扣 trade discount; distributor discount; 批发中间商 wholesale middleman
- 购进量: volume of purchase