批准: ratify; sanction; approve税收: tax revenue和: mix; blend公共开支: public expense公共开支: public expenditure; public finance公共开支, 公费: public expense税收和预算: tax and budget; tax-and-budget标准税收结构: normative tax structure公共开放策略服务: cops公共开放软件环境: common open software environment公共开放政策服务: common open policy service公共开关电话网络: pstn public switched telephone network澳大利亚税收和预算系统: australian government revenue and budget system税收和会计网站目录: tax and accounting sites directory优惠的税收和价格政策: preferential policies on taxation and pricing公共投资开支: public investment expenditure传染和公共医学所: institute of infectious diseases and public medicine地铁和公共汽车: subway & bus规划和公共信息司: division for planning and public information品牌,媒体和公共关系: media & public relationship三和公共汽车公司: sam wha bus co. ltd施政和公共行政处: governance and public administration branch新闻和公共关系司: information and public relations department新闻和公共事务处: information and public affairs branch新闻和公共事务股: press and public affairs unit