- confirmation
- 批准: ratify; sanction; approve
- 确定: define; fix; determine; asce ...
- 确定: 1.(明确地定下) define; fix; determine; ascertain 确定犯罪性质 determine the nature of an offense; 确定会议的日期和地点 determine [fix] the time and place for a meeting; 确定年龄 ascertain the age; 确定人选 pick up the candidates; 确定重点 identify priorities; 确定任务 set the tasks; 确定时限 fix a time frame; 确定原则 define the principles [guidelines]; 失败的原因很难确定。 it's difficult to assign any reason for the failure.2.(明确而肯定) definite; certain; for sure 确定不移的结论an incontestable conclusion;不能认为这是确定无疑的。it cannot be regarded as definitely established
- 批准批准人: app approved by
- 不批准: disapprove