Angel falls the world s highest waterfall explodes from the face of auyan - tepui to fall nearly a full kilometre into the seething devil s canyon in the valley below 天使瀑布是世上最高的瀑布,河水从奥扬特普伊山的陡壁直泻而下,落差接近一千米,注入底下的魔鬼峡谷。
扬: raise特: particular; special; excepti ...巴扬特: baiant布扬特: bouillante科扬特: coiante; cojante里扬特: ryjant扬特奖: yant award扬特克: jantke阿萨扬特: assaiante列维扬特: levyant奇瓜扬特: chiguayante扬特福维奇: yantyfovich扬特拉河: yantra扬特勒伊堡: jan troejborg扬特纳塞: ion tanase扬特维尔: yountville奥扬特普伊山: auyan tepui; auyan-tepui克莱尔瓦扬特: clairvoyante苏西尔普雷马贾扬特: susil premajayanth扬陶伊: jantai; jantay扬汤止沸: try to stop water from boiling by scooping it up and pouring it back -- an ineffectual remedy; stir the soup to stop boiling -- a temporary redress; stop vainly the ebullition of a pot扬坦: yanten扬塔奇: jantac扬塔纳湖: yantana lake