扬州: Yangzhou师范学院: teachers' college; teachers ...广州师范学院: guangzhou teachers' college杭州师范学院: hangzhou teachers' college锦州师范学院: jinzhou teachers' college泉州师范学院: quanzhou normal university忻州师范学院: xinzhou teachers university徐州师范学院: xuzhou teachers' college漳州师范学院: zhangzhou normal university杭州师范学院学报: journal of hangzhou normal university湖州师范学院学报: journal of huzhou teachers college泉州师范学院学报: journal of quanzhou normal university忻州师范学院学报: journal of xinzhou teachers university漳州师范学院学报: journal of zhangzhou teachers college杭州师范学院信息工程学院: information engineering college of hangzhou normal university漳州师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版: journal of zhangzhou teachers college (philosophy &social sciences)师范学院: college of preceptors; normal college; teachers college; teachers training college; training college鞍山师范学院: anshan normal university安庆师范学院: anqing teachers' college安阳师范学院: anyang teachers college宝鸡师范学院: baoji teachers' college北京师范学院: beijing teachers' college长春师范学院: changchun teachers' college大邱师范学院: taegunormalcollege阜阳师范学院: fuyang teachers college