

  • divergent-convergent duct
  • 扩散:    spread; diffuse; proliferate ...
  • 收缩:    contract; shrink
  • :    pipe; tube
  • 扩散收敛管:    divergent-convergent duct
  • 收缩管:    collapsible tube; constricted tube; contracted channel; contractor; convergent mouthpiece; convergent pipe; reducer


        扩散:    spread; diffuse; proliferate ...
        收缩:    contract; shrink
        :    pipe; tube
        扩散收敛管:    divergent-convergent duct
        收缩管:    collapsible tube; constricted tube; contracted channel; contractor; convergent mouthpiece; convergent pipe; reducer
        可收缩管:    tubing shrinkable; tubing,shrinkable
        热收缩管:    heat-shrinkable tube
        收缩管,软管。:    collapsible tube
        收缩管流:    contracting duct flow
        锥形收缩管:    conical converging
        软管,软锡管,收缩管:    collapsible bulb
        收缩管的压头:    loss of head due to contraction
        装闭收缩管机:    collapsible tube filling and closing; collapsible tube filling and colsing
        收缩管压头损失:    loss-of-head due to contraction
        缩管:    pipe cavity; reducing pipe; shrinkage pipe
        散收奶:    milk mixture
        渐缩管:    converging tube; pipe reducer; reducing pipe; transition piece
        明缩管:    open pipe
        浓缩管:    concentration tube
        热缩管:    heat-shrink tube; shrinkable tube
        伸缩管:    compatibility; draw tube; drawtube; expa ion pipe; expansion pipe; exte ion tube; extension tube; helically-grilled tube; slide; telescopic duct; telescopic pipe; telescopic tube; telescoping tube
        缩管(铸疵):    shrinkage pipe
        压缩管:    compressed pipe; compression pipe
        分散收费方式:    decentralized charging system
        收缩:    1.(由大变小; 由长变短) contract; shrink 使肌肉收缩 contract a muscle; 低温使金属收缩。 low temperature contracts metals. 这肥皂会使毛织品收缩吗? will this soap shrink woolen clothes?2.(紧缩) concentrate one's forces; draw back 敌人收缩到几个据点里。 the enemy drew back into a few fortified points.3.take-up; [数学] striction; [英国] cissing; crawling; [德国] zuckung; contraction; piping; [工业] shrinkage; [动, 医, 植] systole; earnings; takings; 收缩压 systolic pressure; 收缩政策 policy of contraction


  1. "扩散势垒"英文
  2. "扩散势垒区"英文
  3. "扩散室"英文
  4. "扩散试验"英文
  5. "扩散收敛管"英文
  6. "扩散疏松"英文
  7. "扩散衰变"英文
  8. "扩散衰减"英文
  9. "扩散衰落信道"英文
  10. "扩散双层"英文


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