We will further open the service sector to foreign competition 扩大服务领域对外开放。
Broaden the range of services 扩大服务领域
Furthermore , it has been aggressively engaged in the r d of an all - catch engineering system , aiming to offer an extensive repertoire of services to customers . with the aforementioned elaboration , teco has impressed the industry with its significant performance 东元从马达工业进入家电工业迎向工程工业,奠定雄厚的根基,并积极投入全系统工程之研究与发展,扩大服务领域,因此在工程业界塑造了丰硕的成果。
Furthermore , it has been aggressively engaged in the r & d of an all - catch engineering system , aiming to offer an extensive repertoire of services to customers . with the aforementioned elaboration , teco has impressed the industry with its significant performance 东元从马达工业进入家电工业、迎向工程工业,奠定雄厚的根基,并积极投入全系统工程之研究与发展,扩大服务领域,因此在工程业界塑造了丰硕的成果。
The development goal of hongtu management training company is that : within one year to reach upon the top three of training enterprises in chengdu ; to form the serve network in western region whin 8 years , and then expand the service field to the whole country progressively 宏图管理培训公司的发展目标是:争取5年内做到成都地区的管理培训企业的前三名, 8年内能形成西部地区服务网络,并逐步向全国辐射和扩大服务领域。
扩大: expansion; amplify; upstep; ...服务领域: range of services服务领域: range of services; service field扩大服务项目: outreach实务领域: substantiveareas业务领域: business area; lines of business专业服务领域国际贸易专家会议: meeting of experts on international trade in professional services业务领域存储: domain store小机构大服务: minimum institution maximum service大服: ofuku进行审计业务领域的预先调查: conduct a preliminary survey of the area of engagement领域名称服务: domain name service扩大区域服务: extended area service扩大人类知识的新领域: advance the frontier of human knowledge大服部: ohatori; ohattoribe领域: 1.(一个国家行使主权的区域) territory; domain; realm 领域广大。 the domain is vast.2.(范围) field; sphere; domain; realm 科学领域 the field of science; 上层建筑领域 the realm of the superstructure; 社会科学领域 the domain of the social sciences; 思想领域 ideological sphere; 文学领域 the region of literature; 意识形态领域 the ideological sphere; 艺术领域 the world of art; 领域性 territoriality 动态领域名称系统服务: dynamic dns service扩大: expansion; amplify; upstep; broaden; expand; extend; enlarge; dilate; swell; multiply; ribbing; widen 扩大财源 open up new sources of revenue; 扩大地方管理权限 enlarging the managerial powers of the localities; 扩大交易额 expand the turn-over; 扩大接触 broaden [widen] one's contacts; 扩大统一战线 broaden the united front; 扩大业务 enlarge business; 对华贸易的扩大 trade expansion with china; 扩大眼界 open the mind; widen one's outlook; broaden one's horizons; take a wider view; 扩大营业 extend one's business; 扩大再生产 expanded reproduction; 扩大战果 exploit the victory; 扩大政治影响 extend political influence; 将来业务扩大需要建造两个新工厂。 future expansion of the business calls for two new factories. 这个国家以惊人的速度扩大其商船队。 the state has extended her merchant fleet phenomenally.; 扩大服务项目 outreach; 扩大核查 amplified verification; 扩大镜 magnascope; 扩大器 aggrandizer; 扩大市场 expand the market; 扩大视野 broaden one's vision [horizon]; 扩大物 increaser; 扩大销路 expand sales场务领班: key grip任务领导: task leader任务领导者: task leader实务领导: practical leadership业务领导: operational management目前没有这是我们要扩大的另外的一个领域: not at the present time. this is the second area of expansion业务领导机关: specialized government agencies