执行: carry out; execute; implemen ...补: repair; mend; patch料×: 7 chi分批: in batches; in turn发酵: ferment; fermentation; aerob ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...预备知识: pre-knowledge补料分批发酵的控制技术: control techniques for fed-batch fermentations补料分批发酵的优缺点: advantages and disadvantages of fed-batch culture补料分批发酵: fed-batch fermentations用控制补料分批发酵的参数: parameters used to control fed-batch fermentations变体积补料分批发酵: variable volume fed-batch定体积补料分批发酵: fixed volume fed-batch补料分批发酵不同情形下的模型: models of possible situations that may occur in fed-batch fermentation开始和结束补料及停止补料分批发酵时的参数: parameters to start and finish the feed, and stop the fed-batch fermentation预备知识: preliminary topics; programming language cobol introductory informationn补料分批培养: fed batch cultivation补料分批系统: fed batch system分批发酵: batch fermentation分批发酵法: batchwise补料分批培养系统: fed batch system分批发酵,(罐)批发酵: batch fermentation发酵的: barmy; fermentative; fermented; fermentive; raised; sour; yeasty; zymogenic; zymolytic; zymotic必备知识: knowledge非完备知识: incomplete knowledge