Corresponding salary will be deducted regarding those are granted for leave , and those who skip work without prior permission will be criticized or even warned besides the deduction of salary 对获准请假者,按日扣发工资,无故旷课者,除按日扣发工资外,将受批评和警告。
Because visit one ' s family , the holiday is the welfare that the worker that accords with statutory requirement should enjoy lawfully , accordingly , in visit one ' s family between holiday and distance holiday , unit of choose and employ persons should be versed in according to duty his salary standard sends knock off endowment to its , otherwise , will attribute the action that deducts hair pay 由于探亲假是符合法定条件的职工依法应享受的福利,因此,在探亲假和路程假期间,用人单位应按照职工本人的工资标准向其发放工资,否则,将属于扣发工资的行为。