打死: beat to death某人: a certain person打死某人, 斥责某人: lay sb. out in lavender把某人打得不省人事, 打死某人, 斥骂某人: lay sb out in lavender爱死某人: love…to bits = fancy sb逼死某人: hound sb. to death处死某人: put sb. to death扼死某人: choke the life out of a person杀死某人: put sb out of the way; string sb up吓死某人了: scare the s out of someone; scare the shit out of someone笑死某人: killing one吊死某人;把…挂起来: string up重罚某人, 挫败某人, 杀死某人: give sb his gruel; give sb. his gruel用枪把某人打死: give sb the heat打死: 1.(欧打致死) beat to death2.(射击致死) shoot to death3.(处决) dispatch4.(夺去生命) kill5.(击毙飞鸟等) stop6.(重击致死) smite (sb.) dead驳得某人哑口无言, 驳倒某人, 杀死某人: put sb to silence打死的: killed将……打死: beat… to death打死打伤: kill or wound打死父亲: strike the father dead活生生打死: beat a person to death一板打死: kill一棍子打死: knock sb. down at one stroke; completely negate; deal a fatal blow; finish off with one blow;finish off with a single blow;kill with one blow;shatter at one stroke 对犯错误的同志, 要批评帮助, 不能一棍子打死。 instead of bludgeoning our erring comrades, we should help them with criticism占;打死,打落(敌机): account for〔美国〕用手枪打死。: pistol route