打: strike; hit; knock某人: a certain person鞭打某人: give sb. the stick打某人的脸: hit sb in the face; hit sb. in the face打某人一顿: give sb a black eye毒打某人: beat sb. mercilessly殴打某人: sap up on sb痛打某人: give it sb. hot; lam out at sb打某人, 辱骂某人: warm sb打某人的鼻子: hit sb. on the nose拷打某人致死: torture sb. to death用棍棒打某人: give sb. the sticktake a stick to sb.打某人耳光, 侮辱某人: slap sb in the face; slap sb. in the face痛打某人, 痛骂某人: give sb a good warming打击某人, 痛打某人, 把某人杀掉: dust sb off打某人鼻子一拳: give sb a punch on the nose打某人一记耳光: box one’s ears; lend sb a box on the ear狠打某人一个耳光: give sb. a thick ear用鞭子抽打某人: strike sb. with a whip敲打某人的手指关节, 谴责某人: give sb. a rap on the knuckles鞭打某: to tan a person's hide拍打某物: clap sth故意不打某一个球: take a pitch把某人: count sb in (out)对某人: show in a ridiculous way how much one enjoys or admires sb/sth