子: son打拐子,肘击: elbowing打拐: cracking down on the abduction of women and children拐子: 1.[口语] (跛者) cripple2.(拐骗之人) abductor3.(骗子; 诈骗犯) swindler4.(木制绕线架) i-shaped reel拐子苗播种: zigzag sowing柳拐子病: (大骨节病) kaschin-beck disease; osteoarthritis deformans endemica拐子角塘鹅栖息地: cape kidnappers gannet colony打怪游戏: crusader打谷子: flail打官腔: talk like a bureaucrat; assume bureaucratic airs; speak in a bureaucratic tone; stall [speak] with official jargon打谷者, 打谷机, 长尾鲨: thresher打官司: 1.(进行诉讼) go to court; go to law; engage in a lawsuit; litigation2.[口语] (争吵; 口角) squabble 打不完的官司 endless squabbles打谷者: thrasher; thresher打官司, 诉诸法律, 提起诉讼: go to law打谷用的连枷: rice flail