Did you know that pisces is the sign of genius ? that ' s because you have more than scientific analysis working for you - - you have dreams 你可知双鱼座是才气纵横的星座?这是因为你有超乎科学分析的能力,那就是梦想。
Pisces : the artistic talent is outstanding , keep in mind just don ' t meet of aquarius is your fatal lover , you can ' t resist talented people , if the other party and then bosom just doesn ' t meet , you become the person whom the whole world supports him most 双鱼座:才气纵横、怀才不遇的水瓶座是你的致命情人,你无法抗拒才气纵横的人,如果对方又怀才不遇,你成为全世界最支持他的人。
才气: literary talent纵横: in length and breadth; verti ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...妖气纵横: a02o; a0dh谷岭纵横的: chaotic栏目纵横的: multicolumned才气: (才华) literary talent 有才气的青年男子 a yong man of literary talent多溪流的河道纵横的: brooky横的: cross; horizontal; lateral; sidelong; thwart; transversalis; transverse; transversus; traverse纵横: 1.(竖和横) in length and breadth; vertically and horizontally 纵横交错的铁路网 a crisscross network of railways2.(奔放自如) with great ease; freely 笔意纵横 write with great ease闪亮,才气: brilliant蛮横的: daring; outrageous; overbearing强横的: tough; turbulent专横的: arbitrary; autocratical; bossy; despotic; dominating; imperious; presuming; presumptuous大气纵剖面图: vertical of the atmosphere profile才气盖天: bigger than the sky才气横溢: brim with talent; be overflown with animation; have superb talent; scintillating with wit 李白是唐代一位才气横溢的诗人。 li bai was a tang poet of superb talent才气焕发: firework; scintillation才气平庸: of limited ability有才气的: brilliant暴君的,专横的: tyrannical侧面的,横的: lateral横的方法: horizontal method横的方向: widthwise横的分散化: horizontal decentralization