手艺: workmanship; craftsmanship; ...工作态度: attitude toward work工作态度: attitude toward work; attitudes toward work; job attitude; work端正工作态度: take a correct attitude towards work工作态度至关重要: attitude is what counts有团队合作良好的工作态度: with teamwork spirit and structured working attitude作态: pose; affect; strike an attitude; act pretentiously手艺: workmanship; craftsmanship; mechanics; handicraft; skill 手艺超群 one's handicraft is above average; extremely skilful in handicraft; 手艺低劣 poor workmanship; 他们有手艺。 they have a handicraft. 管理人员也应该学几门手艺。 administrative personnel should also acquire some technical skills.; 手艺人 craftsman我们对你们的合作态度非常满意: thank you for your manner of business cooperation他的不合作态度使这个项目进展十分缓慢: the project is making slow progress because of his uncooperativeness作态的: hoity-toity态度: 1.(举止; 神情) manner; bearing; how one conducts oneself 服务态度好 give good service; 他态度严肃。 he has an austere manner.他今天态度有点异常。 he is not his usual self today.2.(对于事情的看法) attitude; approach 我们必须把革命精神和科学态度结合起来。 we must combine revolutionary vigour with scientific approach. 你对这个问题的态度如何? what's your attitude towards this problem? 他没有表明态度。 he didn't make his attitude clear 惺惺作态: be affected; simulate (friendship; innocence, sympathy, etc.); have affected manners作态行为: mannerism忸怩作态: behave coyly; be affectedly shy; behave in an affected way; strike a pose忸怩作态的: affected and effeminate homosexual工艺,手艺: craft; workmanship和手艺: craft手艺,工艺: workmanship手艺,手工: workmanship手艺潮: inferior skill手艺的: mechanic手艺品: artifact手艺人: artisan; artizan; craftman; handicraftsman; tradesman手艺者: istp