手持: hand; in hand骨: bone钻: drill; auger持骨片钳及骨钻导引器: bone flap holding forceps and drill guide手持电动颅骨钻: hand electric cranial drill set; handy electric skull drill set骨钻: bone drill unit手持: hand; in hand◇手持兵器 shoulder weapon; 手持送话器 hand microphone; 手持送受话器 handset; 手持微型电话机 hand microtelephone持骨的: bone holding持骨钳: bone holding forceps; bone-holding forceps颅骨钻: cranial drill; skull drill set; skull perforator set筛骨钻: ethmoid drill弯骨钻: curved bone drill持骨虎钳: vice for holding bone持骨片钳: bone flap holding肋骨持骨钳: rib holding forceps支持骨,松质骨: supporting bone指骨持骨钳: finger bone holding forceps鼻窦骨钻: antrum drill带套的骨钻: bone drill with guard电动骨钻: electric bone drill unit电动颅骨钻: electric cranial drill; electric craniotomy set; electric skull drill set多用骨钻: universal bone drill风动骨钻: air bone drill; pneumatic oscilating bone drill; pneumatic oscillating bone drill风动颅骨钻: air skull drill; air skull perforator骨钻卡钳: chuck pliers