手头: right beside one; on hand; a ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...力气: physical strength; effort手头的事务: the business in hand手头的现金: cash in hand用尽吃奶的力气: strain every muscle放下手头的工作: put aside the work on hand我们的力气没有白费: we didn't waste our energy罗马皇帝手头的现款: fisc手头: 1.(眼下) right beside one; on hand; at hand 手头的事务 the business in hand; 手头工作挺多 have a lot of work on hand; 手头的现金 cash in hand;我手头已经堆满了各种工作, 因此我无暇再搞别的事啦。 i have got my hands full already with all kinds of work, and haven't got the time for any more.2.(经济状况) one's financial condition at the moment 手头紧 be short of money; be hard up; 现在他失业了, 手头很紧。 he's in low water now, being out of job使飞机抬头的力矩变化: nose-up change in moment力气: physical strength; effort 力气活儿 heavy work; strenuous work让他连跪起身的力气也没有: than the strength he had to get up off his knees她没有足够的力气走上楼梯: she doesn’t have enough strength to walk upstairs放下手头的事情去做其他的什么事情: somebody drop everything to do忙得不可开交,手头的事情应接不暇: have one’s hands full with头的: capitis; cranial; encephalic扳手头: driving end手头紧: be short of money; when the chips are down手头围: f.s在手头: to hand; to one's hand; tohand; toone‘shand力量;力气: strength力气,膂力。: physical force力气活: johnny armstrong卖力气: exert all one