To verify the integration of st901 gene into transgenic plants genome , the stable transgenic plants were analyzed by pcr and southern blotting . the aberrant phenotypes were observed in pollens and anthers of the transgenic plants . most of pollen grains in the transgenic plant were distorted , shrunken , invagination and not stained with the solution of acetocarmine 通过对转基因植株花粉、花药形态的观察和花粉活力的测定,表明st901启动子驱动的st901基因在转基因植株中的表达造成花粉严重败育,花粉粒皱缩,扁瘪、塌陷,缺乏内容物;转反向表达载体的马铃薯花粉育性仅为对照的5 . 2 ,育性下降94 . 8 。