所有: own; possess这些: these产品: product; produce; fabric; ta ...我们: we的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...畅销货: best-selling goods; fast-sel ...所有这些产品都是我们的畅销货: all these articles are best selling lines这些产品都是我们的畅销货: all these articles are our best selling lines; these patterns are relatively popular in the international market这些是我们的: these are ours and those are theirs所有这些都是含义贺茹。: the emulation of the movements and characteristics of the crane - its rest, feeding, flight and voice - in combination with the transformation of the extending and retracting movements; the practice of external and internal, together with the study of the physical body and martial arts morality and spirit所有这些: all this我们所说的话,都是我们的歌: our words were our songs而这些都是我们所说的话: and these were our words这都是我们厂的新产品: these are new products from our plant所有这些地方有它们的契机: all these places have their moments全都是我们: it's all about us这是我们的最新产品: this is our lastest product这些都是我们公司比较出色的厅房: dj ”“xx所有这些计划和: of all these hustlers and their schemes再见,你们所有这些人: goodbye, all you people,畅销货: action item; articles in great demand; best seller; demand items; excellent seller; fast-moving goods; faster-moving items; goods that sell well; marketable goods; marketable products; products with a good market; off-the-shelf; quick selling line; quick-selling line; salable goods; saleable articles这些产品能经久耐用: these products can stand wear and tear这些产品是第一流的: the products are of the best class这些都是我的话: these are my words功劳是我们的: we’ll get all the credit