

发音:   用"所有购买"造句


  1. Finally , they return the profits to the people who bought shares in the company
  2. South africa ' s biggest cell phone operator vodacom , joint owned by telkom and vodafone said on friday that from december 1 all individuals and businesses would have to supply photocopies of identity cards or passports to get a phone or sim card


        所有:    own; possess
        购买:    purchase
        所有购买物品:    purchase items
        动机有购买动机:    buying motives
        附有购买股票权的债券:    bond with stock purchase warrant
        附有购买新股票的权利:    cum right
        附有购买股票权利的公司债:    bonds with stock purchase warrants
        所有已经购买物品:    purchased items
        所有未决定的购买物品:    pending purchase items
        购买:    purchase; buy; emption 到别处购买 buy elsewhere; 从某人处购买某物 buy from [of] sb.; 购买礼品 gift purchases; 现金购买 ready-money purchase; 他给儿子一些钱购买学校的课本。 he gave his son some money for the purchase of his school books.; 购买袋 [英国] carrier bag; 购买动机 buying motive; 购买价格 purchasing price; 购买款 purchase money; 购买热潮 rush; 购买税 purchase tax; 购买限额 buying quota; 购买欲 desire to buy; desire to purchase; 购买证 authority to purchase; purchasing receipt; 购买中心 shopping center
        建议所有乘客购买旅游保险:    all tours require advance booking
        所有:    1.(拥有) own; possess 我个人的所有物 my personal possessions; 全民所有 owned by the whole people: 集体所有 owned by the collective; 生产资料应当属国家所有。 the means of production should be owned by the state.2.(所有的东西) possessions 尽其所有 give everything one has; give one's all3.(一切; 全部) all 所有的材料都备齐了。 all the materials have been prepared. 所有的问题都解决了。 all the problems have been solved.; 所有格 [语言学] possessive case; 所有者 owner; proprietor
        另外还有购物篮分析:    market basket analysis
        采购,购买:    einkaufen, das
        反购买:    counter purchase
        购买,进货:    purchase
        购买(货):    purchases
        购买,采购:    purchasing
        购买,购置:    purchase
        购买;买:    buy
        购买袋:    carrier bag
        购买单:    local purchase order
        购买点:    point of purchase (pop); purchase center
        购买法:    purchase methed; purchase method
        购买方:    purchaser


  1. "所有格的"英文
  2. "所有格形容词"英文
  3. "所有功能"英文
  4. "所有供应商"英文
  5. "所有公共汽车票对老年人特价"英文
  6. "所有购买物品"英文
  7. "所有股东规则"英文
  8. "所有故障影响"英文
  9. "所有顾客"英文
  10. "所有顾客将按先来先办的原则接受服务"英文


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