所有: own; possess动物: animal中: hit; fit exactly最: most; best; worst; first; ve ...聪明: clever; intelligent的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...猴是一种聪明的动物: the monkey is a clever animal房间里最聪明的人: enron: the smartest guys in the room最聪明的那组小孩: in the brightest固有动物: aboriginal稀有动物: rare anima l; rare animal哺乳动物中: dna mismatch repair in mammals我知道所有动物发出的声音: i know all the sounds that the animals make剥制的动物: stufffed animals成年(的动物)体: adult纯种的动物: purebred冬眠的动物: hibernant多产的动物: fecund animal海里的动物: submarine很慢的动物: very slow animal将来的动物: animals in the future截尾的动物: bobtail巨大的动物: giant可爱的动物: animals are beautiful people猎获的动物: game animal