

  • controlled airspace
  • 所属:    what is subordinate to one o ...
  • 领空:    territorial sky; territorial ...
  • 所属领空, 控制领空:    controlled airspace
  • 向所属领导机关汇报工作:    report to the organization one belongs to
  • 领空:    territorial sky; territorial air space◇领空管辖权 jurisdiction within space; 领空权 sovereign right over territorial sky [air space]


        所属:    what is subordinate to one o ...
        领空:    territorial sky; territorial ...
        所属领空, 控制领空:    controlled airspace
        向所属领导机关汇报工作:    report to the organization one belongs to
        领空:    territorial sky; territorial air space◇领空管辖权 jurisdiction within space; 领空权 sovereign right over territorial sky [air space]
        所属:    1.(统属之下的) what is subordinate to one or under one's command 所属部队 army units under one's command; 国务院所属各部委 the ministries and commissions under the state council; 命令所属 (部队)立即行动! order the subordinate (troops) to act immediately! 通令所属一体遵照。 all the units are to be informed that the instructions should be carried out.2.(自己隶属的) what one belongs to or is affiliated with 向所属派出所申报户口 apply with the local police station for residence; 向所属领导机关汇报工作 report to the organization one belongs to
        空域;领空:    airspace
        领空权:    air sovereignty; command of the air; space sovereignty
        附属领水:    appurtenant territorial waters
        金属领圈:    torque1
        金属领域:    metal
        英属领地:    chiltern hundreds
        窜扰领空:    intrude into the air space
        飞越领空:    overflight
        己方领空:    friendly space
        开放的领空:    open skies
        开放领空:    open skies
        领空边界:    aerial frontier
        领空管辖权:    jurisdiction within space
        领空毗连:    territorial contiguity
        侵犯领空:    air aggression; air violations; border overflights; interference with airspace; trespass in national airspace
        侵入领空:    intrude into a country's air space
        掩护领空:    cover the air space
        所属国:    pays d'appartenance
        所属权:    ownership


  1. "所属机构"英文
  2. "所属集团"英文
  3. "所属技术领域的技术人员"英文
  4. "所属技术领域的专业人员"英文
  5. "所属技术领域人员"英文
  6. "所属领空, 控制领空"英文
  7. "所属权"英文
  8. "所属日期"英文
  9. "所属图纸"英文
  10. "所属月份"英文


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